Mobile Spend Cap information

Mobile Spend Cap information

Spend Cap

We always offer a 'Spend Cap' on all new & existing connections - this needs to be as high as you can afford to avoid unnecessary disruption to services but low enough to avoid bill shock, should any unexpected usage occur.
You can set these individually per user or not have one set at all.

We can't amend a Spend Cap mid-month, we can only remove & re-instate from the 1st of the following month (usage alerts still apply, see below).
Some items are excluded from the Spend Cap - Charity donations, MPAY & other Service Charges for example.

> User has a £20 Spend Cap in place and goes abroad to a destination that's not covered by any daily roaming services (Maldives is one example - data is currently (June 2024) charged at £10.80 per MB on O2 (£11059.20 per GB - that's NOT a typo!)) if they manage to use 250MB before the Spend Cap bar kicks in (£2,700), providing the bar stays in place till limits refresh on the 1st - they will only pay £20. Emergency services/WIFI access is not affected by the bar

In addition to the 'Spend Cap' above we also offer additional Usage Alerts!
By default, we always add a standard 'Data Alert' & 'Data Bar' as well as a back-up 'Spend Alert' & 'Spend Bar' - these are best endeavors, so if they are triggered, all usage up until the bar is still chargeable, regardless of the alert amount.
Our usage Alerts trigger as soon as technically possible, depending on when records of usage is passed to us (it's not real-time) and can take a little longer if the usage includes Roaming/Calls to international numbers.

> User has a 5GB data limit with a £20 spend cap - they have used 5.3GB - the out of bundle charges are £7.20 (£0.04 per MB on O2) - so the Spend Cap is not triggered but the Usage Bar has triggered and stopped data usage @ 5.3GB to avoid eating any further into the spend cap. When this happens, we will contract you and offer a bolt on thus giving you extra data as well as keeping you well below your spend cap. The remainder of the Spend Cap can then be available for any other items needed (international calls etc.)

If you need to talk about any of the above or ask questions, please don't hesitate to get in touch!

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